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Ghana - 01 February, 2022
Ecotourism, agroforestry (for oil palm and cocoa), beekeeping and fish farming are among ten sustainable green business proposals that were selected in the Sefwi Wiawso, Juabeso, and Bia landscapes in Ghana, to be further developed under the Mobilizing More for Climate (MoMo4C) programme. They were chosen for their focus on innovative climate actions that address key landscape challenges such as the loss of biodiversity due to deforestation and forest degradation, and dependence on one a crop, by building adaptive capacities, promoting crop and income diversification, and value addition.
The call was advertised in the landscape through different media and platforms in July and August 2021, with 140 applications received. They were screened, followed by two rounds of pre-selection by the heads of business advisory centres and a business expert. In the second round, applicants met face to face with the panel. The final selection of the ten most promising green business proposals was made by a panel of business experts based on the following criteria, in addition to those regarding innovative climate actions: legality and sustainability of the business, involvement of women and youth, social acceptability/legitimacy, and sustainability of sources of raw materials.
Successful applicants are now in the process of developing business cases and bankable business plans with the support of the MoMo4C programme. In addition, Tropenbos Ghana will organize an investor day forum to showcase all ten, and link them to particular investors. It is anticipated that these investors will provide inputs, and that investment deals will be made that allow for piloting and upscaling.
Read here more about the 10 sustainable green business ideas